Cleft/Craniofacial Teams

This is by no means a complete database of resources.   If you require information not found here, please contact us.  Submit links for additional resources to the webmaster.

Why the Team approach?Find a Team

There are many aspects to your child's care that you may not even be aware of at their birth.  Over the course of your child's treatment, and depending on the severity of the condition, he/she may require visits to:

Plastic/Reconstructive Surgeon
Oral/Maxillofacial Surgeon
Otolaryngologist (ENT)
Pediatric Dentist
Speech Pathologist

...and possibly other specialists, as well.  While this list might look overwhelming, you may or may not see all these specialists on a particular visit.  Your child's age and progress will determine which team members will be seen on a given day.

The goal of the Team is to provide interdisciplinary specialized care for your child. Simply stated, not all plastic surgeons specialize in craniofacial reconstruction. Likewise, not all otolaryngologists are specialists in these issues and not all orthodontists have worked closely with craniofacial patients.

Working with a Team will ensure that you and your child have access to all the specialists necessary for complete and timely treatment throughout the reconstruction process.  These professionals consult with each other on a regular basis about your child's care and will issue you a report on their findings and recommendations.  They will outline a course of action, and help you and your child reach many milestones throughout the years.

Remember that YOU are the Team Leader!  Rest assured, you will have total control over your child's care.  Be prepared by jotting down in a notebook any questions and concerns, and bring this list to all appointment.  Your Team will make sure you understand all treatment and surgery options, as well as the timing of staged repairs.  YOU are your child's best advocate!  Make sure that you understand all the information you are offered, and don't hesitate to ask questions.  The Team is there to serve you!

Best part of all?  While a trip to the Team can translate into a long day, it's sort of like one-stop shopping!  All of these specialists are in one place at a specific time on a specific date for your convenience.  Sure beats driving around town for days visiting each doctor's individual office, especially if you live outside a major metropolitan area.

AmeriFace works closely with the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Assocation (ACPA) and the Cleft Palate Foundation (CPF) to bring you the most up-to-date listing of all cleft/craniofacial teams in the nation and the world.

Visit them on-line or call (800) 24-CLEFT 24-hours, toll-free.

Additional Information

Parameters for Evaluation and Treatment of Patients
with Cleft Lip/Palate or Other Craniofacial Anomalies
Summary of Recommendations, American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
May, 1993, Rev. 2000

The Cleft and Craniofacial Team
Prepared by the Team Standards Committee
American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
March, 1996
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