Miscellaneous Resources
This is by no means a complete database of resources or vendors. If you require information not found here, please contact us. Submit links for additional resources to the webmaster.
Resources are listed alphabetically.
4 Vata Court, Unit 15
Aurora, Ontario, Canada L4G 4B6
Phone: (905) 727-9135
Toll-free in North America: (800) 361-0072
Fax: (905) 727-0964
Facial and oral massager for children with oral defensiveness
1442A Walnut Street, #52
Berkeley, CA 94709
Phone: 1-877-428-1244 (toll free)
PO Box 22084
Phoenix AZ 85028
Phone: (602) 942-1191 or (800) 678-0078
Fax: (602) 482-2216
5000 Cheshire Lane North
Plymouth, MN 55446
Phone: 1.800.HEARING (1.800.432.7464)
Beyond Play
1442A Walnut Street #52
Berkeley, CA 94709
Phone: 1-877-428-1244 (8am-4pm, Pacific Time, M-F)
Fax: 1-877-218-8441 (toll free)
Infant-positioning system for babies with reflux
or requiring post-op elevation.
P. O. Box 641117
Kenner, LA 70064
Phone: (800) 780-7479 or (504) 464-7479
Fax: (504) 464-7480
Children's Medical Ventures
275 Longwater Drive
Norwell, MA 02061
Phone (888) 766-8443
Outside the USA (724) 387-4000
Cast and prosthesis water protection
6702 Netherlands Drive
Wilmington, NC USA 28405
Phone: 1-888-XEROSOX
Local: (910) 791-0009