Your Child is Going to School
Transition from one environment to another is challenging for nearly all of us. If there is something unique about you or your situation, such a transition may present an additional challenge.
If your child has a something unique about his appearance or speech, it may be helpful to introduce the children in your child’s school to this, prior to your child’s participation. This is usually effective with young children entering a new school situation, such as in kindergarten or first grade, and less effective as the child grows up.
Here are some elements we have found helpful in presenting a child to his school friends.
- Emphasize the positive and similar characteristics of your child. Consider using a videotape of your child playing at home, showing special toys, pets or experiences that will present your child in a desirable fashion. Such a video may include your child (and you) responding to questions you think others may want to ask. By addressing these questions up front and on the video, this may dramatically limit the number of questions your child will have to field on a daily basis.
- Emphasize that your child is just a regular kid. Invite others to get to know him/her, but do not insist on all children befriending your child. You do not want your child to be pitied or thought of a needy.

Goldenhar Syndrome Support Network
Making a world of difference in a world of facial differences...
The Goldenhar Syndrome Support Network is a program of
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