How Do You Make Sure Your Child is Doing Well in All Areas Of Development?
It is important to take advantage of the professional resources available to you and your child to fully advance his or her physical and mental development. If you work with a team of health professionals, they as a group will help your child progress at an appropriate pace for him or her.
When needed, early intervention programs are vital tools in ensuring your child’s potential as well. Speech and language therapy and physical therapy sessions can help your child build skills and self-esteem. Remember, following-up on all scheduled appointments is a good practice that will only benefit your child’s continued progress.
In most states, children with cleft lip and palate and other craniofacial differences are automatically eligible for early intervention services provided under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Contact your local school district Child Find office for more information on obtaining these very valuable services, or visit our State Resource Guide for the contact information for early intervention programs throughout the country.

Goldenhar Syndrome Support Network
Making a world of difference in a world of facial differences...
The Goldenhar Syndrome Support Network is a program of
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