The History of the Crouzon Support Network and the Goldenhar Syndrome Support Network
AboutFace USA was founded in 1991 to provide educational and emotional support to persons born with craniofacial anomalies and their families. The organization soon expanded to also serve persons with acquired facial differences due to burns, trauma and disease, and in 2004 partnered with cleftAdvocate under the same corporate umbrella.
History of the Crouzon Support Network
Penny Halverson of Washington launched the Crouzon Support Network in an effort to bring families together from across the country and beyond. As the website hits came in, her on-line support network also expanded. The interactive forum was established in 2001 and continues to offer families hope and support in the midst of the unknown.
History of the Goldenhar Syndrome Support Network
In 1995, Canadian Barb Miles struggled to find even tidbits of information about her newborn daughter's condition. Just a few years later she launched a family support website with as much information about Goldenhar Syndrome as she could find, and followed up with two
interactive forums (one for parents and one for adults born with Goldenhar Syndorme) which are still up-and-running today.
Many thanks to these pioneers for their many years of dedication and for their collaboration with AboutFace USA and cleftAdvocate over the years!
AmeriFace, formerly AboutFace USA, is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity (#32-0085490).

Goldenhar Syndrome Support Network
Making a world of difference in a world of facial differences...
The Goldenhar Syndrome Support Network is a program of
© ameriface, PO Box 751112, Las Vegas, NV 89136-1112